Emily and George
I will never forget and always love these images of Emily and George taken just days before George got his wings. Emily got George when she was having a difficult time in here life as something to help her heal. This big lump of dog certainly did that. A stubborn boy, George was funny and headstrong. I asked Emily how they found each other and she said "When I went to collect George all these little bulldog puppies came running over and George walked the other way and still walks the other way." Something about that was just right and he helped her immensely to find her joy in life again. Since finding George, Emily also found love with a Canadian man so big changes were coming and she was preparing to take George to Canada when she got the terrible news that he was not long for this world. He had aggressive cancer. We immediately booked a pet photography session and talked about how the session would be a celebration of George and not a sad memory and went about creating these precious memories for Emily to have forever. With her plans to move overseas, we decided that a treasure box of images was the perfect thing. Please wipe your tears and enjoy these lovely images of a girl and her boy. #dogphotography #petphotographysydney #dogphotographysydney
