Scratch & Sniff - Take 5 with Love Tails
Scratch and Sniff pet store in Ballina Takes 5 with Love Tails today on the blog. I met Karen at her beautiful store, full of high quality food and products including gorgeous hand made pet beds and bowls made by her parter! A passionate and community minded, person with beautiful things to keep your pet healthy looking good, Karen and I chatted about her Scratch and Sniff journey so far.

1. Tell me your businesses life story My background is advertising and graphic design. I have always been a person that goes about investigating further into things, which lead me into wanting to find out more for my pets diet asI did for my own childrens diet and needs.
After going through a separation with my childrens father and wanted to be my own boss and saw the lack of options for pets when it came to raw feeding and natural product options.
I decided to start my business, and completed the NEIS program (a government initiative to kick start small business) and started by having stalls at local markets and working part time to build the business up, till I could make it what it is today, a store you can visit in Ballina. 2. What does a typical day look like for you? A typical day at Scratch and Sniff is all about education to customers face to face, but also via social media as well. I'm educating myself constantly about the pet industry and the options out there that I can bring into Scratch and Sniff for my customers.
3. What is the greatest myth about running a business like yours? Having more time to do things for yourself. I'm always busy!
4. What do customers love most about your business? That there is nothing else like what I offer, being a health food store for pets. There is always something new in store I'm always adding more options.

5. If you were a dog, what would you be? Labrador - Happy, Friendly, always hungry You can visit Scratch and Sniff at 206 River St, Ballina, NSW. Instagram @scratchandsnifftreats Facebook